Thursday, March 3, 2016

Trade- Connecting Civilizations

Trading is something that can connect civilizations globally in more ways than one. While it may only appear to be trading foreign goods with one another, trading passes around culture and ideas throughout the world and can either bring societies together or destroy them. Trade is an exchange between nations that brought new ideas, products, and many undesirable factors that all but shaped the future.

A fairly complicated trade system exists in Civilization V.
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Establishing trade routes with other players in Civilization V has many benefits. Gold is the most obvious benefit, as it is provided when both players trade with one another. With trade, technologies between both civilizations are introduced to one another. Both players gain science points each turn if they have discovered scientific technologies the other player does not have. Trade routes can be used to spread the player's religion. Religion is influenced if the trading cities do not both have the majority religions. Nations are also given a bonus to tourism through trade.

The Silk Road, an ancient trade route that connected many nations.
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How does this all relate to actual trading in actual civilization? Civilization V's trading system and mechanics are very similar to what actually happened in ancient civilization and modern society. The Silk Road is a notable example of a trade route that brought together nations in many ways. The Silk Road is a network of trade routes in ancient Asia that connected the east and west through trade. Merchants obviously benefited from this road financially while nations benefited both financially and culturally. At first glance, it is obvious in assuming that nations who took part in this trade route saw an increase in profits. Many nations that did take part such as China, India, and Arabia still thrive and exist today. Cultural and religious expansion is another major factor of the Silk Road. These trade routes connect the nations, creating the opportunity of expanding cultural and religious beliefs. Islam is a religion that thrived in this time period specifically in the western region of the Silk Road. Due to the nature of the religion, preaching and making mission trips were a common practice. With the connecting of multiple societies, it was incredibly easy to spread the word of Islam. Other major religion that thrived during the period of the Silk Road consist of Buddhism, Manicheism, and Zoroastrianism. There were also many technologies that were brought to different civilizations. While the production of silk was a largely guarded secret, the process eventually spread to the west. Paper was also another Chinese technology that was ultimately integrated into western societies through the Silk Road.

When I compare Civilization V's trade system with actual history, I find many similarities. The game seems to be very historically accurate with trading. A trading network can bring new cultures, religions, and technologies as well as economic benefits to many nations and connect them globally.

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