Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Agriculture- Making historical connections

Taken from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture_in_India
Agriculture has been present in history for thousands of years, making it one of Earth's greatest and most used innovations. Agriculture provides a steady food source that requires timely labor. With agriculture, there is no longer a need to move from place to place, living in a nomadic fashion. A definite food supply will ensure that a civilization's population will grow steadily. The overall productivity of a civilization is also dependent on the food supply. If the people are not happy, productivity will logically go down.  This concept is nearly identical to Civ. V's use of agriculture and how it relates to both a civilization's productivity and population growth.

Agriculture in the game is always taken into consideration when settling a city in Civ. V. Does the area have sufficient resources? Can I exploit the land even further when my civilization expands? Are there any luxury resources nearby I can use? All these questions were likely asked when civilizations were being formed years ago. Eastern Asian civilizations such as the Han Dynasty largely exploited the use of nearby resources, such as the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. Resources such as the use of the silkworm also made the Eastern Asian area thrive with the production of silk. The Middle Eastern region known as the Fertile Crescent was used for its fertile land and being nearby the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers.

A farmer's use of cattle and a plow is an agricultural technique.
Taken from: http://howafrica.com/nine-facts-about-agriculture-in-africa/
New techniques and technologies such as the plow can increase efficiency of farming. having a positive increasing effect on the overall food supply and population. A new technique that doubled rice production increased the Chinese population from about fifty million in the eighth century to about one hundred million in the twelfth century! This, no doubt, was pivotal in making China one of the most standing out civilizations of this time. With such a massive population, there would naturally be an increase in workers, farmers, traders, and soldiers.

If I were to become picky about one thing in the game, i will say that the land can be used for food as long as you can. There is no limit to when the land becomes unable to produce food. One of agriculture's most difficult problems is that the land will eventually become too exhausted to produce anything. Many civilizations have to expand and use new lands or techniques to keep producing food. Nomadic agricultural societies move around after harvests to avoid destroying the land. All in all, I will say that Civ. V and historical agriculture and the use of resources are very accurate. Population and productivity growth are also spot-on accurate between both worlds.

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